
Director Advice

  • Director Advice

    Director Advice Here at Insolvency Practitioner, we have over 25 years of experience supporting company directors on a wide range of issues. We offer assistance from general financial information to business recovery, restructuring, or even closing your company. We explore key topics related to directors of a limited company in the UK, including director legal…

  • How Can I Turnaround a Failing Business?

    How Can I Turnaround a Failing Business? In this blog post, we’ll guide you through a comprehensive plan on “how can I turnaround a failing business”, tackling the root causes of business failure and setting your business on the path to success. You can turn around a failing business by performing a company analysis, setting…

  • What Happens When a Company Goes into Administration?

    What Happens When a Company Goes into Administration? Company administration is a formal insolvency procedure intended to salvage viable aspects of a struggling business or enhance returns for creditors before dissolution. Administration involves selling the business’ assets, distributing proceeds to creditors, and removing the company name from the Companies House register. Unlike liquidation, the administration…

  • What is a Winding Up Petition?

    What is a Winding Up Petition? A winding-up petition is a formal legal mechanism used by creditors to force a company that owes them money into compulsory liquidation if it is unable to pay its debts. This procedure is often considered a last resort for creditors seeking to recover outstanding debts. However, this legal action…

  • Director Dispute Over Liquidation

    Director Dispute Over Liquidation When a company faces the challenging decision of liquidation, it’s not uncommon for disputes over wants to liquidate director wants to liquidate to arise among company directors, often referred to as a “director dispute over liquidation.” Balancing personal interests, legal obligations, and the company’s welfare can be a complex and delicate…

  • Bounce Back Loan Support

    Bounce Back Loan Support The Bounce Back Loan Scheme is an initiative designed to support UK small and medium enterprises (SMEs) during the challenging economic climate induced by the pandemic. Introduced by the government as a lifeline, this scheme offers vital financial support to businesses striving to navigate through disruptions and maintain their operational momentum.…

  • What’s the Difference Between a Liquidator and the Official Receiver?

    What’s the Difference Between a Liquidator and the Official Receiver? Imagine being in the middle of a financial crisis with your company on the brink of insolvency. It’s a nightmare scenario that many businesses face, and understanding the roles of liquidators and official receivers is crucial in navigating these turbulent times. The liquidator and official…

  • Is a Director Liable if a Company Can’t Repay a Bounce Back Loan

    Is a Director Liable if a Company Can’t Repay a Bounce Back Loan If the company cannot repay the Bounce Back loan, the bank or a liquidator will likely investigate the use of the funds and may conclude that the loan was “stolen” from the company. As a director, you would be personally liable for…

  • What happens if I can’t pay a Bounce Back Loan or CBILS Loan

    What happens if I can’t pay a Bounce Back Loan or CBILS Loan Liability to repay remains with the business that has taken out the loan unless it enters liquidation. Many businesses face difficulty in repaying these loans due to ongoing cash flow problems. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of…

  • My Business Is Struggling with Energy Bills

    My Business Is Struggling with Energy Bills Are you struggling to keep up with your business energy bills? If so, you’re not alone. Many businesses face challenges in managing their energy costs, but the good news is that there are solutions. We explore the causes of high business energy bills, discuss practical ways to manage…