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My Take Away Restaurant Needs to Go into Liquidation

Takeaway restaurants facing financial difficulties should seek professional advice in order to understand all options and protect their business/personal assets.

Navigating the liquidation process requires licenced insolvency practitioners, who can also help with protecting personal assets and claiming director redundancy pay.

Alternatives such as HMRC Time to Pay or CVA may provide temporary relief for struggling takeaway restaurants.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the restaurant industry, particularly take-away establishments.

With social distancing measures, mandatory closures, and fluctuating market conditions, many takeaway restaurant owners are left grappling with financial uncertainty.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the challenges faced by takeaway restaurants and explore options for navigating these turbulent times, including when “my take away restaurant needs to go into liquidation” and potential alternatives.

Facing Liquidation: Understanding the Challenges for Takeaway Restaurants

The Coronavirus and lockdowns have created an almost impossible operating environment for takeaway restaurants, leading to unprecedented trading and financial challenges that may affect company assets.

Ensuring a Covid-secure restaurant has become a considerable expense, adding to the financial burden. As a result, many restaurant owners are facing the prospect of liquidation.

Takeaway restaurant owners should consult financial professionals and consider all available options, including those related to personal guarantee, to protect their business and assets.

It is essential for takeaway restaurant owners facing financial difficulties to obtain professional advice in order to gain a clear understanding of their available options.

Seeking professional advice early on will provide the best opportunity to successfully turn the situation of limited company around and safeguard the owner’s personal position if the limited company director is unable to continue operations and needs to undergo a formal insolvency process.

The potential for salvaging a restaurant, or the necessity to close it permanently, is contingent upon a variety of factors including its financial stability prior to the pandemic, the local regulations it has been subject to or is likely to encounter, and its capacity to effectively and lucratively transition to a delivery or pick-up service.

Remember, the consequences of being unable to repay a bounce back loan, for example, could expose company directors to the risk of liability for wrongful trading.

Assessing Your Takeaway Restaurant’s Financial Health

Before deciding on liquidation, it’s essential to assess your takeaway restaurant’s financial health. To evaluate cash flow, consider the money entering and leaving the business, including income from sales and expenses such as rent and wages.

A thorough assessment will help you determine whether liquidation is the best financially viable option or if alternative solutions are more suitable.

When evaluating the debt levels of your takeaway restaurant, consider the amount of debt the business has, the interest rate on the debt, and the repayment terms.

Additionally, assess the ability of the business to service the debt, as this will play a crucial role in determining the financial health of your restaurant.

Other factors to consider when assessing the financial health of your takeaway restaurant include the profitability of the business, the liquidity of the business, and the prevailing market conditions.

Having a comprehensive understanding of your restaurant’s financial health will enable you to make informed decisions about the future of your business, whether that now involves restructuring, pursuing liquidation or exploring alternative solutions.

Navigating the Liquidation Process for Takeaway Restaurants

If liquidation is determined to be the best course of action, it’s essential to navigate the process with professional help, such as a licensed insolvency practitioner.

The liquidation process typically involves many forms of Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL) or compulsory liquidation, each with its own set of implications and procedures.

Let’s delve into these processes to better understand their nuances and potential outcomes.

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL) is a formal closure process initiated when a restaurant has become insolvent and is beyond the point of rescue. CVL allows company directors to meet their legal obligations while potentially claiming director redundancy pay.

This process puts licensed insolvency practitioners in charge of liquidating the company’s assets. This way creditors’ interests are protected, and maximum return on their investments is secured.

A licensed insolvency practitioner in a CVL has a responsibility to ascertain all assets of the company. They then need to distribute the income to creditors, and ensure the winding down of the restaurant is done orderly.

Our licenced insolvency practitioners have helped directors in the following areas:

CVL provides directors with the option to select a liquidator and decide the timing of the liquidation. Moreover, it offers the potential for directors to receive redundancy pay, making it a feasible choice for companies facing financial hardship.

However, it’s crucial to work closely with a licensed insolvency practitioner to ensure the best interests of all parties involved are considered throughout the process.

Compulsory Liquidation

Compulsory Liquidation is an alternative to CVL, enforced by creditors voluntary liquidation through a court order. This process is initiated by a creditor to force the winding up enforce liquidation of a company’s affairs and involves the appointment of a liquidator by the court to assume control of the company’s assets and distribute them to creditors. The liquidator will also investigate the company’s affairs and submit a report to the court.

The implications of compulsory liquidation include relinquishing control of the company, further financial difficulties, potential personal liability for company directors’, and the possibility of secured creditors’ taking legal action against the company.

While it may seem like a more drastic measure, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of both CVL and compulsory liquidation to determine the most suitable option for your takeaway restaurant.

Protecting Your Personal Assets During Liquidation

Protecting your personal assets during the liquidation process is of utmost importance, and seeking early advice from an insolvency practitioner is key to achieving this.

As a former creditor interests another company director, you could be held personally liable for the other creditor interests company director’s debts if preferential payments are made to certain creditors and not others. Therefore, it’s crucial for company director to be aware of the potential consequences of such actions.

The company directors could be personally liable for the repayment of the loan, if it has not been utilised in accordance with the terms.

This is applicable where the loan is a bounce back loan. To safeguard your personal assets and protect yourself from potential legal repercussions, it’s essential to consult with a licensed insolvency practitioner who can guide you through the process and ensure your best interests are considered.

By seeking professional advice early on, you can minimise the risks associated with liquidation and ensure a smoother process for all parties involved. Remember, your personal assets are at stake, and making informed decisions is crucial for protecting your financial future.

Director Redundancy Pay and Liquidation

Directors of takeaway restaurants may be eligible for statutory redundancy pay if certain requirements are met.

In order to qualify, directors and employees must have been employed for at least two years for a minimum of 16 hours per week in the business in a practical role, and the company must have been incorporated for a minimum of at least two years also. Directors and employees who are employed under a contract may be qualified to apply for statutory redundancy.

If the owner has been employed by the restaurant for a minimum of two years and has been paying themselves a salary through PAYE, they may be eligible for redundancy pay should the restaurant undergo a formal liquidation process, such as a CVL.

The experts at Insolvency Support.co.uk can provide information on eligibility for director redundancy pay, so it’s worth exploring this option if you find yourself in this situation.

Securing director redundancy pay can provide financial relief during the difficult liquidation process and help cover the costs associated with CVL. It’s essential to consult with a licensed insolvency practitioner to determine your eligibility and navigate the redundancy claim process.

Alternatives to Liquidation for Struggling Takeaway Restaurants

Liquidation is not the only option for struggling takeaway restaurants. Alternatives such as HMRC Time to Pay and Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) can be explored if your restaurant is facing financial distress but still has the potential to recover.

These options can provide temporary relief and allow you to restructure your finances to regain stability.

HMRC Time to Pay is an accessible and confidential solution for businesses to manage their tax obligations, enabling overdue taxes to be paid in installments over a predetermined period.

A Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is a mechanism utilised by organisations to renegotiate terms with creditors to enhance their financial standing.

A CVA can enable the restructuring of a company’s debts and the establishment of manageable payments towards these debts over a span of 2-5 years, thereby avoiding liquidation.

Before deciding on liquidation, it’s crucial to consider these alternatives and consult with a licensed insolvency practitioner to assess their feasibility for your specific situation.

In some cases, these options may provide the financial relief your takeaway restaurant needs to regain stability and continue operating.

Seeking Professional Help for Takeaway Restaurant Liquidation

If liquidation is the most suitable option for your takeaway restaurant, it’s essential to seek professional help to ensure the process runs smoothly and your personal assets are protected.

A team of licensed insolvency practitioners can provide a complimentary, no-obligation initial consultation to discuss your current situation and outline available options.

Whether you’re considering liquidation or exploring alternatives, consulting with a licensed insolvency practitioner is crucial for making informed decisions and safeguarding your financial future.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to take away restaurant owners – seek expert advice and support to navigate the challenges facing your takeaway restaurant in these uncertain times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I put my business into liquidation?

If you put your business into liquidation, it will be closed and its assets will be used to pay off any creditors. After that, if there is any money left, it also goes into liquidation back to the shareholders.

The company will also be removed from the companies register at Companies House. This process can be lengthy and complicated, so it’s important for employees to seek professional advice first.

Can you stop a company going into liquidation?

It is possible to stop a company from going into voluntary liquidation however, provided the correct steps are taken in time. You must pay the debt, negotiate a repayment plan or enter a formal insolvency procedure within seven days of the winding up order being granted to prevent compulsory or creditors voluntary liquidation either.

The first step is to pay creditors for the debt in full. If this is not possible, then you and creditors must negotiate a repayment plan with the creditors for remaining debts. This should be done as soon as possible, as the deadline is approaching.

How do you put a business in liquidation?

Put a business enters insolvency into liquidation requires the agreement of the shareholders and an authorised insolvency practitioner to act as a liquidator. After the resolution is passed, the liquidator must evaluate the company’s assets and liabilities and begin the process of winding up operations.

Can you be forced into liquidation?

Yes, you can be forced to take away restaurant business into liquidation if you cannot satisfy your creditors and are unable to pay back what is owed. This can happen if the company has become insolvent, and a creditor petitions the courts to wind up the business own liquidator and have it removed from the Companies House register.


The ongoing pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges for takeaway restaurants, with many owners struggling to maintain profitability and stay afloat.

Liquidation, while a difficult decision, may be the best option in some cases to protect both company and personal assets.

By assessing your restaurant’s financial health, understanding the liquidation process, and exploring alternative options, you can make an informed decision about the future of your business.

Seeking professional help from licensed insolvency practitioners is essential for navigating the complex liquidation process and ensuring the best outcome for all parties involved.

Whether you choose to own take away restaurants, restaurant restaurants or own take away restaurants, restaurant owners go down the path of liquidation or explore alternatives like HMRC Time to Pay or Company Voluntary Arrangement, expert guidance can help you overcome the challenges facing your takeaway restaurant in these uncertain times.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to be proactive, seek professional advice, and consider all available options before making any decisions about the future of your takeaway restaurant.

By taking the appropriate steps and consulting with experts, you can protect your personal assets, own personal liability, secure director redundancy pay, and ultimately make the best decision for your business’s future.

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We are Insolvency Practitioners, dedicated to providing expert solutions for financial distress and guiding businesses towards a fresh start.