
Director Advice

  • On What Grounds Can a Company Director Be Disqualified?

    On What Grounds Can a Company Director Be Disqualified? Company director disqualification is a serious matter that can have lasting consequences on both personal and professional lives. The Company Directors Disqualification Act outlines the legal framework for disqualifying directors on the grounds of unfit conduct. Common reasons for director disqualification include unfit conduct, wrongful trading…

  • What Happens to Employees When Going Into Liquidation?

    What Happens to Employees When Going Into Liquidation? When a company faces insurmountable financial challenges and enters the liquidation process, it affects not only its directors, shareholders, and creditors but also significantly impacts its employees. Going into liquidation often leads to employee uncertainty, job losses, and concerns about employee rights and entitlements. Understanding what happens…

  • Company Owes Me Money and They Have Gone Into Liquidation

    Company Owes Me Money and They Have Gone Into Liquidation Having a company that owes you money and has gone into liquidation can leave you wondering what to do next and how to recover your funds. When a company enters liquidation, the liquidator sells its assets at auction. The proceeds from this sale go toward…

  • What Is Limited Liability?

    What Is Limited Liability? Limited liability is a fundamental concept in business law that defines the extent of personal financial responsibility of business owners. It is a crucial legal framework that provides protection to entrepreneurs and shareholders, allowing them to separate their personal assets from those of the business. Understanding the concept of limited liability…