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What is a First Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike Off?

A First Gazette notice for compulsory strike off is issued when an application is made to forcibly close a company, often due to its failure to comply with accounting and filing obligations.

As part of this process, the First Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike Off plays a significant role, signaling the initiation of the dissolution procedure.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the First Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike Off, shedding light on its purpose, implications, and the steps involved.

Whether you are a company director, shareholder, or simply interested in corporate governance, having knowledge of this essential notice is crucial.

Definition and Purpose

Compulsory company strike off is a process initiated by Companies House or, in some cases, by a creditor, aiming to remove a company from the register.

The Companies Act 2006 outlines the regulations that companies must adhere to, and failing to comply may result in a compulsory strike off.

If a company is struck off the register, it ceases to exist legally as a legal entity, and its assets, including property and bank accounts, are forfeited to the Crown.

Companies House’s Role

Companies House is responsible for issuing the First Gazette Notice as a public announcement, warning that the company is at risk of being removed from its register.

This notice grants a minimum of three months for creditors and other stakeholders of limited company to take appropriate action.

In essence, Companies House acts as both the initiator and enforcer of the compulsory strike off process.

Common Reasons for Receiving a First Gazette Notice

Receiving a First Gazette Notice can be a daunting experience, but understanding the reasons behind it can help companies avoid such a fate.

Common reasons include unpaid taxes, missing accounts, unsubmitted company accounts, and lack of communication with Companies House.

Failure to submit statutory business accounts or annual confirmation statements, as well as failure to pay fees or penalty fees, are also typical triggers.

Non-Compliance Issues

Non-compliance issues are a major reason for receiving a First Gazette Notice.

These can include failure to file accounts or pay taxes, and Companies House may have reasonable grounds to believe that the company is no longer trading.

Neglecting a First Gazette Notice can result in asset forfeiture, reputational harm, public warning, and possible legal consequences.

Failure to Submit Annual Accounts

Failure to file company accounts and submit annual accounts to Companies House can have serious repercussions, including fines, company removal from the register, and even criminal prosecution for directors.

Companies must ensure that they submit their annual accounts on time to avoid initiating the compulsory strike off procedure.

Consequences of Ignoring a First Gazette Notice

Ignoring a First Gazette Notice can have dire consequences for both the company and its directors.

Bank accounts may be frozen, leading to the loss of customers and suppliers, and employees may lose their jobs without the ability to claim redundancy pay.

Ownership of the assets involved may revert to the Crown, and companies will be unable to conduct any business activities.

Asset Forfeiture

Asset forfeiture is a legal process in which the government can take possession of property or assets believed to be associated with a crime, in order to deny criminals the financial benefit of their offenses and disrupt organised criminal activities.

In the context of a compulsory strike off, if a company is struck off the register, its assets, such as property or bank accounts, will be forfeited to the Crown.

Reputational Damage

Reputational damage is another consequence of ignoring a First Gazette Notice.

It can lead to a decrease in financial and social capital, as well as market share.

In the case of a compulsory strike off, the reputational harm to the organization and its directors can be considerable, making it challenging to acquire credit or form new business partnerships in the future.

The reputational damage caused by a First Gazette Notice can be long-lasting and difficult to repair. It can lead to a decrease in customer trust.

Legal Ramifications

Legal ramifications of disregarding a First Gazette Notice include dissolution of the company, transfer of company assets to the Crown, and potential disqualification of company directors if they are found to have acted inappropriately.

Failure to comply may also result in director disqualification and potential personal liability issues.

Responding to a First Gazette Notice: Options and Steps

To respond effectively to a First Gazette Notice, companies must act quickly and consider their options based on the desired outcome.

Available options include rectifying compliance issues, submitting a suspension application, and voluntary liquidation.

If no objections are made, a second Gazette notice will be published to the public record announce the company’s dissolution.

Rectifying Compliance Issues

In order to respond to a First Gazette Notice, the company must ensure that all paperwork is up to date and filed with Companies House.

This may involve submitting any missing documents or updating any company information.

Addressing compliance issues is the primary solution to avoid being struck off the register.

Suspension Application

Submitting a suspension application is another option for responding to a First Gazette Notice.

Along with the application, the company must address the issue that prompted Companies House to initiate the compulsory strike off action.

Upon successful suspension application, the company will receive notification confirming the discontinuation of the compulsory strike off application process.

Voluntary Liquidation

Voluntary liquidation is a process in which a company is dissolved and its assets are allocated to its creditors and shareholders.

While it may not be the ideal solution for all companies, it can be a viable option for limited companies or those facing insurmountable financial difficulties and seeking to pay off their debts through the liquidation of assets.

In voluntary liquidation, the company’s assets are sold off and the proceeds are used to pay off creditors and shareholders. The process is overseen by a liquidator, who is appointed by the company’s board.

Understanding First Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike Off

First Gazette Notice for compulsory strike off is an official notice issued by Companies House, initiating the process to remove a company from the register.

It serves as a warning, providing a three-month window for interested parties to object before the company is struck off.

Companies House, the UK government agency responsible for maintaining the register of companies, plays a pivotal role in this process.

Creditors’ Rights and Objections

Creditors play a crucial role in the compulsory liquidation or strike off process. They may object to a compulsory strike off to recover owed money before the company is closed.

If no objection is raised or fails, a second Gazette notice is issued, and the company is removed from the register.

Grounds for Objection

Creditors may object to a compulsory strike off if they have a valid reason to prevent the a company’s outstanding debts from being removed from the register, such as a legal claim against them or if they owe the creditor money.

In order to dispute the notice, the creditor must submit a suspension application to Companies House and address the issue that caused the notice.

Recovering Debts

Creditors will be notified via First Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike Off.

They must respond within two months if they wish to oppose the strike off.

If no challenges are made, a second Gazette notice will be published, and the company will be struck off the register within two months, provided it is solvent and has repaid all money owed, including creditors and any directors’ loans.

The strike off process is a legal procedure that can be used to close a company that is no longer trading or has limited liability and no assets.

It is important to note that the former company creditors must be solvent and have repaid all money owed before.

Handling Company Assets and Insolvency

When it comes to handling company assets and insolvency, the process can be complex and fraught with challenges.

In the event of an insolvency process a compulsory strike off, assets become Crown property, creditors must write off debts or reinstate bad debt through court order.

Insolvent companies should enter into creditors’ voluntary liquidation (CVL).

Asset Distribution

Asset distribution is not applicable in relation to a First Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike. Since the company will be dissolved, any undistributed assets will be transferred to the Crown.

This means that the company’s assets will no longer be available for distribution to creditors or shareholders.

Insolvent Companies

Addressing insolvent companies in relation to a First Gazette Notice requires prompt action to avoid further complications. It is recommended that solvent companies contact Companies House immediately upon receipt of the notice to address the matters that caused it.

If a company is insolvent, it may be advisable to explore other options, such as a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL).

Successful Challenges

In some cases, companies have successfully challenged First Gazette Notices by presenting substantiating evidence to support their objections.

This evidence may include proof that the company is still operating, that it is complying with its filing requirements, and that it is not an insolvent company.

It is essential to act quickly and take all necessary steps to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Unsuccessful Challenges

On the other hand, some companies have been unsuccessful in their challenges to First Gazette Notices.

In such cases, the only viable option to avoid a compulsory strike off is to rectify the issues that prompted the notice and submit a suspension application.

Failure to comply with the notice may result in the company name being forcibly struck off the register and dissolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are the most common questions on the topic:

What causes a first Gazette notice for compulsory strike off?

Filing failures such as not submitting annual accounts, unpaid taxes, or failure to inform Companies House of a new corporate address may cause Companies House to issue a first Gazette notice for compulsory strike off.

House must be sure that the company is no longer in business before it takes any action. If there’s no response after contacting the company, they will assume this.

What is the first Gazette notice for compulsory strike?

The first Gazette notice for compulsory strike will be issued on 3 April 2023, as mandated by Companies House.

This official and legally binding announcement published in government gazettes serves to remind companies that they are at risk of being struck off the official register if certain requirements are not met.

It is essential for companies to remain aware of these regulations and to abide by them accordingly.

What does it mean when a company has a compulsory strike off?

A compulsory strike off is a formal action by Companies House to legally dissolve a company due to non-compliance, such as failure to submit required documents or accounts.

This process results in the removal of the company from the Companies House register.


In conclusion, navigating the compulsory strike off process is a complex and challenging task for any company.

Understanding the reasons behind First Gazette Notices, the consequences of ignoring them, and the available options for responding is crucial for businesses seeking to safeguard their future.

By acting quickly and taking the necessary steps to rectify any issues, companies can successfully navigate this process and continue to thrive in the business world.

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