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What is the Insolvency Test for a Limited Company?

An insolvency test is a critical tool for determining your limited company’s financial health and whether it’s time to seek professional help.

A corporate insolvency test is a method used to assess whether a company can meet its liabilities as they become due and whether the total value of its liabilities exceeds its assets.

Insolvency tests assess if a company is insolvent, comprising of cash flow, balance sheet and legal action tests.

Directors should prioritise creditor interests to protect from accusations of wrongdoing & take proactive steps such as seeking professional advice to prevent financial deterioration.

There are various options for insolvent companies including business rescue, debt consolidation & liquidation which can help address financial difficulties.

Cash Flow Test

The cash flow test evaluates a company’s ability to meet its liabilities when they become due. In simple terms, it assesses if your company can pay its bills on time.

The legal requirement stipulates that you must be capable of settling your dues in the foreseeable future. Failure to do so may indicate a cash flow insolvency issue.

For example, consider ABC Ltd, a manufacturing company with £500,000 owed to suppliers and assets amounting to only £400,000.

This company would be considered cash flow insolvent, as it cannot generate sufficient revenue to meet its operating costs.

But why is the cash flow test so important? Cash flow deficiencies can be an indication of business difficulty, and failing to meet payment deadlines can lead to company insolvency.

It’s crucial to monitor your cash flow continuously and seek professional advice regarding your company’s future financial position, standing if you’re struggling to meet your financial obligations.

Balance Sheet Test

The balance sheet test is used to determine whether a company’s long-term liabilities exceed its assets.

It’s essential to include any contingent liabilities in your balance sheet to provide a fair and accurate representation of your company’s current and future financial standing.

By comparing your company’s assets and liabilities, the balance sheet test helps determine if you can meet your company’s current financial obligations.

If the sum of assets and cash is lower than the total amount of liabilities, the company is likely to be insolvent.

A negative balance sheet indicates financial distress and requires prompt action.

Analyze financials, improve cash flow, reduce costs, increase revenue, and restructure debt to address the issues.

Legal Action Test

A legal action test is a process of determining unpaid court orders or judgments. It also includes outstanding statutory demands due to non-payment of company debt.

This test helps determine if legal action has been initiated against your company for a debt of £750 or more, which may deem your company insolvent.

Should your company fail the legal action test, it’s imperative to cease trading immediately and prioritise creditors’ interests.

In such situations, it’s highly recommended that you seek the guidance of a licensed insolvency practitioner (IP) to help navigate the complexities of insolvency and protect your company’s interests.

Identifying the Warning Signs

Being aware of the warning signs of insolvency is crucial for any company director.

Poor cash flow, overdue debts, and contingent liabilities can all signal potential insolvency.

If you notice any of these indicators, it’s essential to act quickly and prioritize creditor interests over company and shareholder interests.

Early detection and intervention can help prevent further financial deterioration and potentially save your company from insolvency.

Poor Cash Flow

Poor cash flow signifies that a company is spending more funds than it is generating, resulting in difficulty meeting obligations such as bills, wages, and other costs.

A sustained period of negative cash flow can make it increasingly difficult to meet financial obligations and cover necessary expenses, potentially leading to insolvency.

For companies experiencing cash flow difficulties, it’s essential to explore available options such as business rescue, debt consolidation, or liquidation.

Seeking professional advice and taking proactive steps to address cash flow problems can help your company regain its financial footing and avoid insolvency.

Overdue Debts

Overdue debts refer to those which have not been paid on time. Once the payment is delayed, even by a single day, it is legally considered to be overdue.

The debtor is deemed to be in breach of their obligation as they failed to adhere to the deadline.

Potential repercussions of overdue debts may include legal action, such as court proceedings or insolvency proceedings, and creditors taking steps to recoup the debt, such as seizing assets or obtaining a charging order.

The insolvency test for a limited company, which comprises both the cash flow and balance sheet tests, can help directors identify potential insolvency issues.

Being aware of these warning signs and addressing them promptly can prevent your company from falling into insolvency.

Contingent Liabilities

Contingent liabilities refer to potential obligations or losses that may arise in the future depending on the outcome of a specific event.

Examples of contingent liabilities include pending lawsuits and warranties.

These potential liabilities should be considered in the insolvency test to ensure an insolvency test covers an accurate representation of your company’s financial position.

Failing to account for contingent liabilities in your insolvency assessment can lead to an inaccurate representation of your company’s financial health and potentially result in insolvency.

It’s crucial to be aware of all potential liabilities and address them proactively to safeguard your company’s financial well-being.

Understanding the Insolvency Test

The insolvency test is a three-part assessment that helps determine if your company is insolvent.

It consists of the cash flow test, the balance sheet test, and the legal action test.

By evaluating your company’s ability to pay its bills, the value of its assets and liabilities, and any outstanding legal actions, the insolvency test provides a comprehensive picture of your company’s financial position.

Director Responsibilities in Insolvency

As a company director, you have certain responsibilities in insolvency. These include seeking professional advice, avoiding wrongful trading, and placing creditors’ interests first.

By fulfilling these obligations, you can minimize the risk of legal repercussions and ensure the best possible outcome for your company during insolvency.

Prioritizing Creditor Interests

Prioritizing creditor interests in insolvency is of the utmost importance and safeguards directors from accusations of wrongdoing.

Failure to prioritize creditor own or shareholder interests also can lead to significant sanctions and potentially personal responsibility for some of the company’s debts.

It’s essential to act in the best interests of your creditors by ensuring timely payments and transparent communication.

By prioritising their interests, you can minimize the risk of legal action and improve the chances of a successful resolution to your company’s insolvency situation.

Seeking Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice during insolvency is crucial to ensure that you are making informed decisions and minimizing potential risks.

A licensed insolvency practitioner (IP) is an expert who can help you navigate the complex insolvency process, assess your company’s financial position, and develop a plan to restructure or wind up the company.

Hiring an insolvency practitioner ensures professional handling of your company’s insolvency test, minimizing legal risks and maximizing success for the company and its creditors.

Avoiding Wrongful Trading

Wrongful trading is a situation where a company continues to trade while knowingly insolvent.

Directors must prevent wrongful trading by prioritizing creditor payments, maintaining accurate financial records, seeking professional advice during financial difficulties, and avoiding trading while insolvent.

Under UK law, wrongful trading is considered a criminal offence, with possible custodial sentences of up to ten years.

By taking proactive steps to avoid wrongful trading and seeking professional advice, you can minimize the risk of legal action and protect your company’s interests during insolvency.

Assessing Your Company’s Financial Position

To accurately assess your company’s financial position and determine if insolvency is imminent, it’s essential to work closely with an accountant to analyze your cash flow and balance sheets.

This will provide critical insights into your company’s financial health and performance, allowing you to identify areas of strength and weakness and make informed decisions about your company’s future.

By understanding your company’s financial position, you can make informed decisions about how to best manage your resources and ensure the long-term success of your business.

This could include taking steps to reduce costs, increasing revenue, or restructuring debt. Taking the time to review your work.

Working with an Accountant

Collaborating with an accountant is crucial in overseeing your company’s financial records, providing financial counsel, auditing accounts, and ensuring adherence to tax laws and regulations.

Engaging an accountant not only saves you time and money but also decreases the likelihood of errors and offers valuable counsel on how to manage your finances.

When searching for an accountant, it is essential to investigate their credentials and expertise, request references, and confirm that they possess knowledge of your sector.

This will ensure that you are working with a professional who can provide accurate and reliable advice, helping you make the best decisions for your company during times of financial distress.

Analyzing Cash Flow and Balance Sheets

The process of analyzing cash flow and balance sheets involves carefully examining your company’s financial statements to gain an understanding of its financial health and performance.

This analysis can help you identify areas of strength and weakness in your company’s finances, allowing you to make informed decisions about its future.

By examining your company’s cash flow and balance sheets, you can gain valuable insight into its financial health and performance, which can help you identify potential risks and opportunities.

This knowledge can be crucial in determining whether your company is at risk of insolvency and what steps need to be taken to address any financial difficulties.

Available Options for Insolvent Companies

If your company is facing insolvency, it’s essential to be aware of the available options to help you navigate this challenging situation.

Options such as business rescue, debt consolidation, and liquidation can provide viable solutions to help you address your company’s financial difficulties and work towards a resolution.

Business Rescue

Business rescue is a process designed to facilitate the rehabilitation of a financially distressed company.

This process involves the supervision of the company by a business rescue practitioner and a moratorium on legal proceedings against the company, with the ultimate aim of recovering the business through restructuring.

While business rescue can help a company prevent insolvency and remain operational, it can also be a lengthy and costly endeavour.

With the risk of the plan not being approved by creditors or shareholders, or not succeeding in rescuing the company.

Nevertheless, it’s a valuable option to consider in the face of corporate insolvency, as it can help safeguard the company’s assets and creditors from losses.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is the process of obtaining a new loan to pay off multiple existing debts, resulting in a single payment to one lender.

This streamlines the repayment process and can help lower the amount of interest paid and the amount of the owed money and time taken to pay off the debt.

However, debt consolidation can also lead to increased debt if the loan taken out has a higher interest rate than the debts being consolidated.

It’s important to compare the interest rates and terms of different lenders, as well as evaluate the fees associated with the loan, and the repayment period, and ensure that you can afford the monthly payments on the loan.


Liquidation is the process of selling off a company’s assets in order to settle its outstanding debts. This process is activated when a company is no longer solvent and is unable to fulfil its financial obligations.

The objective of liquidation is to guarantee that all the company’s matters have been addressed and all its assets realised.

Upon completion of the process, the liquidator will submit an application to the Companies House for the removal and dissolution of the company, thus rendering it defunct.

Liquidation is a last resort for insolvent companies but provides a means of settling outstanding debts and bringing closure to the company’s financial difficulties.


In conclusion, understanding the insolvency test and its components, identifying warning signs, and being aware of your responsibilities as a director is crucial in navigating the challenges of insolvency.

By analysing your company’s cash flow and balance sheets, seeking professional advice, and considering options such as business rescue, debt consolidation, and liquidation, you can make informed decisions about your company’s future.

Remember, the key to overcoming insolvency is to act quickly and responsibly, ensuring the best possible outcome for your company and its creditors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the insolvency test?

The insolvency test is an important financial evaluation used to determine whether a company can no longer pay their debts when they come due, or if their liabilities outweigh their assets.

It’s a critical measure of the financial health of a business.

What are the three tests of insolvency?

Insolvency is an important legal concept to understand, with three legal tests being used to determine whether a company is insolvent: cash flow, balance sheet test and statutory tests.

The cash-flow test assesses a company’s ability to meet current liabilities as they fall due. The balance sheet test examines the ratio of assets to liabilities.

And finally, the statutory test identifies when the value of assets available to pay creditors is not enough to discharge all existing debts.

Together, these tests provide key information to establish a test for insolvency.

What are the two tests for insolvency?

The balance sheet test and the cash flow test are the two main tests used to assess a business’s solvency.

These tests help determine if a company can pay its debts as they come due or if it’s insolvent.

By assessing its own company’s current financial position and situation, companies can effectively manage their liabilities and risks.

Can I lose my house if my limited company goes bust?

It is unlikely that you will directly lose your house if your limited company goes bust; however, the potential exists depending on the situation.

Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the risks associated with running a company and ensure appropriate precautions are taken.

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We are Insolvency Practitioners, dedicated to providing expert solutions for financial distress and guiding businesses towards a fresh start.